How much do you owe?

Enter all your credit card and loan balances. You’ll then discover how much debt you owe. Enter your interest rates as well and the calculator will let you know how long it will take to pay it all off. Using this tool can be a good starting point for getting a handle on how much money you truly owe and how long it will take to naturally pay it all off. If you need help putting together a plan to pay off your debt sooner, give us a call at 1-888-527-8999.

Financial Calculators from

Financial Calculators ©1998-2015 KJE Computer Solutions, LLC

How much do you owe?
Credit card debt:, Press spacebar to show inputs
Auto loan debt:, Press spacebar to show inputs
Other loans & installment debt:, Press spacebar to show inputs
Please view the report to see detailed results in tabular form.
Time to pay off debt is KJE1., press spacebar to hide graph


Use minimum payment
If you checked the "use credit card minimum payments" box, your monthly payment is calculated as 4% of your current outstanding balance. With the "use credit card minimum payments" box checked, your monthly payment will decrease as your balance is paid down. This can greatly increase the length of time it takes to pay off your credit cards. Uncheck this box to enter your own monthly payment that will remain the same until your balance is paid in full.

(We calculate your minimum monthly payment as 4% of your current outstanding balance. While your actual minimum monthly payment may be slightly different, this is one of the most common methods used by credit card companies to calculate minimum payments.)

Credit card balance
Your total current balance for this credit card.
Credit card interest rate
The annual percentage rate you pay for this credit card. The rate you enter is used to calculate the interest on all future credit card payments. The length of time to pay off this credit card may be much greater than calculated if you enter a low promotional interest rate that is only good for a short period of time.
Credit card payment
This is your initial monthly payment. If you checked the "use credit card minimum payments" box, your monthly payment is calculated as 4% of your current outstanding balance. With the "use credit card minimum payments" box checked, your monthly payment will decrease as your balance is paid down. This can greatly increase the length of time it takes to pay off your credit cards. Uncheck this box to enter your own monthly payment that will remain the same until your balance is paid in full.

(We calculate your minimum monthly payment as 4% of your current outstanding balance. While your actual minimum monthly payment may be slightly different, this is one of the most common methods used by credit card companies to calculate minimum payments.)

Loan balance
Your total current balance for an installment loan.
Loan interest rates
The annual percentage rate you pay for this loan. Enter the current interest rate for this loan. This calculator assumes your rate will remain the same for the entire repayment period. We use this to calculator the interest you will pay on this loan and the number of payments that are remaining.
Loan payment
This is your monthly payment. Enter the actual monthly payment for your loan. We use this to determine your payment totals and to calculate the remaining payments.
Remaining loan payments
This is the calculated number of payments remaining for this loan. It is based on your current balance, payment and interest rate.

Credit Counselling Society

Interactive calculators and information are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use and are not intended to provide financial advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your specific situation. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. We would encourage you to seek personalized guidance from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues. If you would like to speak with one of our credit counsellors about how to deal with your debt, feel free to call us at 1-888-527-8999.