Quick Assesment Tool
Use this tool to quickly see how your financial situation compares to others.
Try Our Quick Assessment Tool
See how your financial situation compares to others’ quickly with our assessment tool. Discover ways to improve your current situation or reach out to us if you need help.
If you'd like this tool to assess your situation, simply respond to the questions below by placing check marks in the boxes.
How do you feel about your financial situation right now?
Check all that apply:
Are any of these happening with your finances?
Check all that apply:
Are you experiencing any of these in your life right now?
Check all that apply:
How are you dealing with emergencies when they arise?
Check all that apply:
How are you doing with your bill payments?
Are you making ends meet by using any of these?
Check all that apply:
How are you currently using these credit products?
Check all that apply:
The Stage You Are At

You’re looking good!
Way to go! Everything seems to be going fairly well with your finances right now. If you’d like some tips to further improve things, we have some great resources below.
How to further improve your situation
Dig in to the helpful information below. Here we provide some fantastic resources that can help you optimize your financial picture.
Create a spending plan
The first thing everyone needs to do is create a plan for their spending so that they’re not spending more money than they earn. If you don’t follow a spending plan of any kind, we’d strongly encourage you to consider creating one. A fun and interesting way to do this is with our Budget Calculator. It’s a fun and super easy way to create a smart budget. It guides you through the process of making a budget and suggests what to do at each step along the way. This tool is perfect for everyone who isn’t good with numbers since it does all the math for you and visually shows you what your budget looks like.
If you want something on paper, we also offer a free 7 Steps workbook that will show you how to create a budget that works.
Make sure you have emergency savings
Make sure you’re not relying on credit cards to save you in a touch situation. This can turn a short term problem into something that takes years to recover from. Make sure you have some of your own emergency savings to fall back on.
Here’s how to create some emergency savings.
Here’s where to find the money to create your emergency savings.
How to get out of debt
Learn 12 of the fastest and most effective ways to pay down debt and get out of debt.
The Stage You Are At

How to improve your finances
Based on what’s going on with your finances right now, you need to make some improvements before you end up in a tough spot. You can either start working on this yourself or you can speak with a non-profit Credit Counsellor to assess your situation and help you create an action plan. If you’d like to tackle things on your own, we have some great resources that should be able to help you get things back on track.
If you’d like some coaching from one of our Credit Counsellors, feel free to call us and make an appointment at 1-888-527-8999 or chat with us online.
Our help is always free, non-judgmental, and completely confidential.
How to turn your situation around on your own
Dig in to the helpful information below. Here we provide some fantastic resources that can do a whole lot to help you turn your situation around.
Create a spending plan
The first thing everyone needs to do is create a plan for their spending so that they’re not spending more money than they earn. A spending plan is also called a budget, but a budget doesn’t have to be hard or boring. Try out our Budget Calculator. It’s a fun and super easy way to create a smart budget. It guides you through the process of making a budget and suggests what to do at each step along the way. This tool is perfect for everyone who isn’t good with numbers since it does all the math for you and visually shows you what your budget looks like.
If you want something on paper, we also offer a free 7 Steps workbook that will show you how to create a budget that works.
How to address the underlying issue causing financial problems
Grab some tips on how to get out of debt
Learn 12 of the fastest and most effective ways to pay down debt and get out of debt.
The Stage You Are At

How to improve your finances
Based on what’s going on with your finances right now, you need to make some improvements before you end up in a tough spot. You can either start working on this yourself or you can speak with a non-profit Credit Counsellor to assess your situation and help you create an action plan. If you’d like to tackle things on your own, we have some great resources that should be able to help you get things back on track.
If you’d like some coaching from one of our Credit Counsellors, feel free to call us and make an appointment at 1-888-527-8999 or chat with us online.
Our help is always free, non-judgmental, and completely confidential.
How to turn your situation around on your own
Dig in to the helpful information below. Here we provide some fantastic resources that can do a whole lot to help you turn your situation around.
Create a spending plan
The first thing everyone needs to do is create a plan for their spending so that they’re not spending more money than they earn. A spending plan is also called a budget, but a budget doesn’t have to be hard or boring. Try out our Budget Calculator. It’s a fun and super easy way to create a smart budget. It guides you through the process of making a budget and suggests what to do at each step along the way. This tool is perfect for everyone who isn’t good with numbers since it does all the math for you and visually shows you what your budget looks like.
If you want something on paper, we also offer a free 7 Steps workbook that will show you how to create a budget that works.
How to address the underlying issue causing financial problems
Grab some tips on how to get out of debt
Learn 12 of the fastest and most effective ways to pay down debt and get out of debt.
The Stage You Are At

How to improve your finances
Based on what’s going on with your finances right now, you need to make some improvements before you end up in a tough spot. You can either start working on this yourself or you can speak with a non-profit Credit Counsellor to assess your situation and help you create an action plan. If you’d like to tackle things on your own, we have some great resources that should be able to help you get things back on track.
If you’d like some coaching from one of our Credit Counsellors, feel free to call us and make an appointment at 1-888-527-8999 or chat with us online.
Our help is always free, non-judgmental, and completely confidential.
How to turn your situation around on your own
Dig in to the helpful information below. Here we provide some fantastic resources that can do a whole lot to help you turn your situation around.
Create a spending plan
The first thing everyone needs to do is create a plan for their spending so that they’re not spending more money than they earn. A spending plan is also called a budget, but a budget doesn’t have to be hard or boring. Try out our Budget Calculator. It’s a fun and super easy way to create a smart budget. It guides you through the process of making a budget and suggests what to do at each step along the way. This tool is perfect for everyone who isn’t good with numbers since it does all the math for you and visually shows you what your budget looks like.
If you want something on paper, we also offer a free 7 Steps workbook that will show you how to create a budget that works.
How to address the underlying issue causing financial problems
Grab some tips on how to get out of debt
Learn 12 of the fastest and most effective ways to pay down debt and get out of debt.
The Stage You Are At

How to get things back on track
Based on what’s going on with your finances right now, one of the best thing you can do is make an appointment to speak with a non-profit Credit Counsellor. They’ll help you put together a budget, explore all your options, and help you figure out the best way to get your finances back on track.
Call us right now at 1-888-527-8999 or chat with us online.
Our help is always free, non-judgmental, and completely confidential.
Other Options
If you’re not ready to speak with anyone yet and would like to try working on your situation on your own first, here are some great resources to help you out.
Create a spending plan
The first thing everyone needs to do is create a plan for their spending so that they’re not spending more money than they earn. A spending plan is also called a budget.
We also offer a free 7 Steps workbook that will show you how to create a budget that works.
How to address the underlying issue causing financial problems
Grab some tips on how to get out of debt
Learn 12 of the fastest and most effective ways to pay down debt and get out of debt.
The Stage You Are At

How to give yourself some breathing room and get back on track
Based on what’s going on with your finances right now, it’s critical that you make an appointment to speak with a non-profit Credit Counsellor right away. They’ll help you put together a budget, explore all your options, and help you figure out what you can do right now to make ends meet. They’ll also help you create an action plan to get your finances back on track. This could include a debt relief program which could consolidate your debts into one affordable monthly payment.
Call us right now at 1-888-527-8999 or chat with us online.
Our help is always free, non-judgmental, and completely confidential.
Other Options
If you’re not ready to speak with anyone yet and would like to try working on your situation on your own first, here are some great resources to help you out.
Create a spending plan
The first thing everyone needs to do is create a plan for their spending so that they’re not spending more money than they earn. A spending plan is also called a budget.
We also offer a free 7 Steps workbook that will show you how to create a budget that works.
How to address the underlying issue causing financial problems
Grab some tips on how to get out of debt
Learn 12 of the fastest and most effective ways to pay down debt and get out of debt.
Ready for Some Help?

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