Brockville Credit Counselling
We help you get your finances back on track with confidential, free, non-judgmental credit counselling.

Brockville, Ontario Credit Counselling Society
Free Debt and Credit Help

Credit Counselling Brockville – Stressed about your debts? Maybe your credit is maxed out, you can’t sleep, or financial worries are affecting your relationships. We can help.


Non Profit Consumer Credit Counselling & Debt Solutions from Canada’s Leading Service Provider

We are a non-profit service providing consumer debt and credit counselling services to Brockville. We can help you explore all your options and find the right solution for your situation. Our experienced, professionally certified Counsellors can also help you create a plan to:

  • Create a spending plan to manage all of your living expenses
  • Get your finances back on track
  • Consolidate your debts in Brockville with just one monthly payment
  • Save thousands of dollars in interest
  • Stop collection calls from creditors

Find Out Exactly How We Can Help
by Answering 4 Simple Questions

Not sure where to start in finding help for your specific financial situation? Answer these 4 easy multiple-choice questions to get pointed in the right direction. All you have to do is click the boxes that apply to you and then the green button when you're done.


How We Can Help Self Assessment
1. What is your primary financial concern?
2. Do you currently carry balances on any of the following? (Check all that apply)
3. Which of the following best describes you?
4. What is your household’s primary source of income? 

People We’ve Helped Seen on Global TV and CTV News

At times, the news media will interview one of the people we helped who are comfortable sharing their story with the public. Below are three of these stories.

Global News speaks with Julia Fletcher after she pays off $10,000 in debt with no interest because of the Credit Counselling Society’s help. Watch
CTV News interviews Dan Robinson after paying off $30,000 in debt at 0 interest with the help of the Credit Counselling Society. See story

Global TV sits down with Charis who has almost paid off $67,000 worth of debt on 13 credit cards with the assistance of the Credit Counselling Society. Watch

Offering Free Consumer Debt & Credit Counselling Services for Over 25 Years

With offices across Canada, the Better Business Bureau’s highest rating, 98% of our clients surveyed reporting they would recommend us to others, and over 80 awards, the Credit Counselling Society has worked hard to become one of the leading debt relief and credit counselling service providers in Canada. If you would like help with your debt or simply want to learn how you can manage your money more effectively, call us now at 1-888-527-8999.

There’s a Way Out of Debt with Help

“I had just come to the point where I had given up hope – that there’s no way I could ever repay my debt. A friend of mine suggested I reach out, and I thought I’d get some condescending person on the phone lecture me about money, but my counsellor was the most compassionate, caring person who became sort of my own personal cheerleader.”

– Charis

More Information About Us & How We Approach Things

We’ve given non-profit consumer credit counselling since 1996. 95% of people who contact us are typically helped for free. The only time someone pays for our services is if they decide to go onto our Debt Management Program. This consolidates all of someone’s credit card and other unsecured debt payments into one affordable monthly payment that has significantly reduced or 0 interest. This program protects peoples’ privacy, allows them to restore their credit, eliminates their debt, and gets their finances back on track as quickly as possible. It’s just one of many tools we have to help people.

We truly believe that the best debt consolidation or debt help is a solution that enables someone to get back on the right track as soon as possible while at the same time helping them accomplish their long term financial plans. Regrettably, the way we approach this is very different from the way some commission focused debt advisors, credit consultants, financial counselors, and credit advisors out there do things, but we firmly believe that when someone is having a difficult time financially, you need to carefully look into all options available to them and concentrate on what’s going to do the most to help them in the long-term. This is why we don’t pay any of our staff commission – only straight salaries. To also ensure our organization operates at the highest ethical standards and follows best practices, we have chosen to join, submit ourselves to audits by, and are accountable to Credit Counselling Canada and the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. We are also accountable to a volunteer board of directors, the Canada Revenue Agency, and are the only agency in our industry to open its books up to an external auditor annually. When it comes to earning and keeping your trust, we believe that maintaining the highest standards of transparency and accountability are paramount.

If you’d like to speak with one of our professionally trained credit and debt counsellors, take a look at your financial situation, and see what options you have to get back on track, call us now at 1-888-527-8999. We’re here to help you.

The Credit Counselling Society also offers bankruptcy alternatives and information in Brockville, Ontario.

Have questions?
Having trouble with your debts?

We can help. Give us a call at 1-888-527-8999 or send us a quick note to call you back and we’ll be in touch to answer your debt questions. We’ll help you find a solution that works best for you.

Always Putting Your Interests First

Our highest goal is to always put you first and look out for your best interests in all we do. One of the ways we do this is through accountability and transparency. Our organization and its staff are held to the most rigorous standards of accountability in our industry.

Certified by Great Places to Work Canada
Accredited by Canada’s national association of non-profit credit counselling organizations.
North America’s largest association of non-profit credit counselling organizations.
Accredited by the Better Business Bureau.