Debt Problems in Abbotsford, BC Have Solutions – We Are Here to Help

Debt Problems in Abbotsford, BC Have Solutions – We Are Here to Help

Trusted Ways to Manage and Overcome Debt Problems in Abbotsford

Debt problems can happen to anyone in Abbotsford, BC, and the one thing debt problems have in common is the huge stress, worry and sleepless nights they cause. If you’ve got a problem with debt, let us help you find the right the solution so that you can sleep better and not worry about your money and bills anymore.


How to Major Overcome Debt Problems in Abbotsford

When you’re considering how to overcome serious debt problems in Abbotsford, the best way is to tackle them sooner than later. Waiting and hoping that things will get better means that you will probably end up with less options available to you in the future.

If you’re not sure what to do or where to start and you’d like some guidance or information, feel free to call us or anonymously chat with us online. We’re happy to answer your questions or help you make an appointment to speak with one of our accredited Counsellors confidentially. There is never any charge for our appointments, and we don’t obligate you anything.

Our professional, friendly Credit Counsellors will help you get started with a realistic plan that’s broken down into doable steps that will get you back on track. Some of what they can help you with is:

  • Putting together a budget to handle all your debts and living expenses
  • Showing you things you can do right now to begin resolving your debt problems
  • Discussing options with you that can help you pay down your debts or look at alternatives to going bankrupt if you aren’t able to afford to repay all of the debt you owe

People We’ve Helped Interviewed on TV

From time to time, the news media interviews some of the people we’ve helped who are comfortable sharing their story publicly. Below are three who shared their experiences working with the Credit Counselling Society.

Global News interviews Julia Fletcher after she pays off $10,000 in debt interest free with help from the Credit Counselling Society. Watch
CTV News shows how Dan Robinson paid off $30,000 in debt with no interest with the help of the Credit Counselling Society. See story

Global TV speaks with Charis who has nearly paid off $67,000 in debt on 13 credit cards with help from the Credit Counselling Society. Watch

Warning Signs for Serious Debt Problems that Require Attention

For some people, their situation improves and they’re able to manage to get back on track without anyone else helping them. However, if you have been wrestling with a debt issue for over a year, watch out for these warning signs. They might indicate that you may have a more serious debt problem.

To figure out if you need some assistance to get your debts back on track, ask yourself:

  • Is debt stress making it more difficult to deal with everyday life?
  • Do you notice that you are no longer getting ahead simply making minimum payments?
  • Have you been declined for a debt consolidation loan?
  • Do you depend on your credit cards, line of credit, or overdraft to make ends meet each month?
  • Are you on the receiving end of collection calls or letters?
  • Are you embarrassed to let others know about your financial situation?
  • Are worries about money keeping you wake at night?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you probably need help to deal with your debt, eliminate it, and get your financial picture back on track. Call us and speak with one of our experienced Debt & Credit Counselors today.

Options and Solutions to Resolve Debt Problems

Worrying about money and debt problems can literally make you sick from all the stress. But in addition to worrying about their money, we’ve found that many people come to us afraid of what might happen to them.

Helping you work through various options and solutions for your debt challenges is only part of the help we provide. We also want to make the time to answer any questions you may have about money management, credit, and debt issues so you can make an informed choice about what to do and how you would like to deal with your debt problems.

Feel free to use the phone, anonymous online chat, or email to ask us your questions or to make an appointment to talk with one of our Debt Counsellors. Appointments with the Credit Counselling Society’s Counsellors are available in person or over the phone and are always free, non-judgmental, and completely confidential.

Previous Abbotsford Office
Suite 101A – 33140 Mill Lake Road
Abbotsford, BC V2S 2A5

(We will be re-opening our office at a new location once COVID is over. In the meantime, our credit counsellors who serve Abbotsford are providing telephone appointments only)

Phone: 604-859-5757

Extra Information About How to Manage, Fix, and Overcome Debt Problems in Abbotsford, BC

If you’re curious or if you want to learn more on your own, here is information about some of the topics we receive the most questions about from British Columbians who are looking for solutions on how to manage, fix, and overcome their debt problems.

Give us a call at 604-859-5757. We would be happy to answer any questions you might have or refer you to an friendly, experienced professional who can provide you with the specific advice or solution you need.

Placing Your Interests First

In all that we do, our highest goal is to always put the interests of consumers first and do what is truly best for them. Accountability and transparency are two important ways we do this. We are held accountable to the most demanding standards in our industry.

Certified by Great Places to Work Canada
Accredited by Canada’s national association of non-profit credit counselling organizations.
North America’s largest association of non-profit credit counselling organizations.
Accredited by the Better Business Bureau.