Payday Loans Help in Ottawa
Help to get back on track and make ends meet.

Get Help & Solutions for Payday Loan Debt in Ottawa, Ontario

Payday Loan Help in Ottawa, Ontario – Are you feeling trapped by your payday loans? Do you feel like you’ve lost control of your pay cheques? Maybe you’re not sure what to do or what your options are.

Stop the stress and get help now.

How We Help You Break Free from Depending on Payday Loans

People we help across Ontario often tell us that they wish they had come to see us sooner!

Let us help you get back on track. We can help you to:

  • Stop the payday loan cycle
  • Create a plan so that you don’t have more month than money
  • Explore options to consolidate payday loans and debts in Ottawa into one affordable monthly payment to get out of debt
  • Avoid bankruptcy
  • Save thousands in interest

No one plans to get into debt or get stuck in a payday loan cycle. We know how hard it can be to ask for help, but you’ll feel better knowing what you can do about your debts.

A couple getting credit counselling.

We can help you look at all your options to deal with your debt and create a plan to keep your finances on track so that you don’t need to borrow with payday loans.

Contact Us Now

Get in touch with us know by phone, email, or anonymous online chat. We will respond to your questions and even help you book an appointment to meet with one of our professionally trained Credit & Debt Counsellors. Our appointments are free, confidential and without obligation.

Put an End to the Struggle – There is a Way Out

“I cannot say enough good things about my experience with The Credit Counselling Society. Life is definitely better than it would have been. If you are struggling with debt, reach out to this Society for help…only good things will follow.”


– Kate, Actual Client Review from Facebook

Solutions for Debt in Ontario that a Counsellor will Help You Learn More About

There’s no one-size-fits-all way to dealing with your debts. You’ll want to get information from your Counsellor that lets you deal with your circumstances once and for all.

Some of the options to deal with debt are:

The Longer You Wait to Get Help with Your Payday Loans in Ottawa the Less Solutions You’ll Have Available

Countless numbers of people we have helped have told us that they stressed about their payday loans for over a year before getting help. They got deeper into debt, lost sleep and their health and work suffered. Don’t be one of them. We’re ready to help you, and we serve Ottawa, Ontario. Contact us now at 613-234-0505.

Credit Counselling Society office at 116 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario

Ottawa Office

331 - 116 Albert Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3

Phone: 613-234-0505

Having Trouble with Your Debts?

We can help. Give us a call at 1-888-527-8999 or send us a quick note to call you back and we’ll be in touch to answer any questions you may have about debt. We’ll help you find a solution that works best for you.

Putting Your Interests First

Our goal is to always put consumers first and look out for their best interests in everything we do. One way we do this is through transparency and accountability. We are held accountable to the most rigorous standards in our industry.

Certified by Great Places to Work Canada
Accredited by Canada’s national association of non-profit credit counselling organizations.
North America’s largest association of non-profit credit counselling organizations.
Accredited by the Better Business Bureau.