Holiday Money Hangover

Check out our free, live, online workshops and learn about money the way you want.

Holiday Money Hangover
Online Workshop / Webinar

Many people look at the holidays as a time to refresh themselves and reconnect with friends and family. While plans are made for when to meet and what to buy, we have to consider: has enough money been set aside to pay for holiday expenses? If not, then it’ll be too easy for holiday happiness to turn into holiday stress.

It’s only when the credit card bills arrive that people feel the pain of a holiday hangover. It’s that awful feeling of paying a high price paid for a fleeting good time. The bills and the crummy feelings follow us into the New Year (or maybe even longer), and rob us of the opportunity to do the things we value, because the payments we have to make for what has passed prevent us from saving for the things we on which we would rather spend out money.

If any of this sounds familiar then we’re sure that you too are tired of the holiday hangover. Maybe now’s the time for a change. We know that with the right supports, you’ll be able to pay off those holiday debts and break this cycle once and for all.

In this webinar you will:

  • Figure out how much the holiday fun will cost and what still needs to be paid for
  • Learn how to take control of your holiday debt and retire it quickly
  • Make a plan to ensure the next holidays are less stressful and paid for in advance
  • Learn how to organize and re-prioritize gifting

Give yourself the gift of a future without the Holiday Hangover. The holidays themselves will be much more enjoyable knowing the bill has already been paid, and that any money found moving forward can be saved for things that bring you additional happiness.

Upcoming Webinars

Below you can see when our next Holiday Money Hangover webinars are taking place.

Please Note: All times below are in Pacific Time

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This session is jam-packed with tips and ideas on how to become more organized and savvy about your meal planning, your cooking, and your food shopping.

Making Cents (Sense) of Money our Budgeting 101 online workshop and webinar.

Making Cent$ of Money: Budgeting 101

Learn the 7 steps to budgeting which will help you take control of your finances and give you peace of mind.


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