Making Cent$ of Money: Budgeting 101

Check out our free, live, online workshops and learn about money the way you want.

Making Cent$ of Money: Budgeting 101
Online Workshop / Webinar

What do you think of when you hear the word “budgeting?” Budgeting has received a bad reputation as something that is restrictive, boring and just plain doesn’t work. The reality is that a budget is simply a spending and savings plan for your money based on your individual priorities and goals.

Budgeting is also a way to manage your monthly expenses, to prepare for life’s unpredictable events, and to help you plan so you can afford big-ticket items without going into debt. Budgeting is important and while it entails keeping track of how much you earn and spend, it doesn’t have to be drudgery. Budgeting doesn’t require you to be good at math, and it doesn’t mean you can’t buy the things you want. It just means that you have to plan so that you know where your money goes. It means that you’ll have greater control over your finances and you’ll be able to save up for the things you want.

The good news is that budgeting is a skill set that anyone can learn! The even better news is that we have broken down the process of budgeting for you into six easy steps. In the Making Cent$ of Money: Budgeting 101 workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Apply meaning to your money
  • Set S.M.A.R.T. financial goals to achieve your goals
  • Understand the components of creating an effective spending and savings plan
  • Track your expenses and identify areas of potential (behavioural) change
  • Plan and have enough for irregular expenses, emergency savings, and fun things
  • Create a paycheque plan that matches your budget
  • Understand tips to make it easier to budget with multiple bank accounts

This interactive and fun workshop will last 1 hour, with time for discussion and questions. We take a “grab and go” approach: grab an idea or two and go try it. All participants will be supplied with ideas, resources, and a copy of the presentation, upon request.

Get started now. Simply register for one of these online workshops below.

Upcoming Webinars

Below you can see when our next Making Cent$ of Money: Budgeting 101 webinars are taking place.

Please Note: All times below are in Pacific Time

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