Living Well on Retirement Income

Check out our free, live, online workshops and learn about money the way you want.

Living Well on Retirement Income
Online Workshop / Webinar

The Golden Years or “Third Age” can be filled with tremendous joy – travelling the world, spending time with family and grandchildren, and taking up activities like golf or gardening. Retirement income includes but is not limited to CPP, OAS, GIS, Pensions and Investment Income. Living well on a retirement income can be challenging. The nature of retirement income is such that it is fixed while the cost of living continues to increase. Housing, food, entertainment, and health costs can be expensive.

Once you know exactly how much money you have coming in on a monthly basis, it’s important to create a budget that covers the fixed, variable and savings expenses. Tracking your expenses will show you where your money is going and it can highlight the need for any changes.

When income is fixed, it’s more important than ever to take steps to make sure that you are getting the most for your money. It’s important to make every dollar count and avoid using credit to make ends meet.

In the Living Well on Retirement Income webinar, you will learn how to:

  • Identify the challenges of living on a fixed income
  • Take stock of your unique financial situation (your income, assets, liabilities, debts, and monthly expenses)
  • Identify ways to increase your income
  • Identify ways to decrease your expenses
  • Plan meals around seasonal and “on sale” groceries
  • Take advantage of discounts, apply for rebates, use coupons
  • Recognize if friends and/or family are costing you money
  • Assess options to determine when professional help may be needed

This interactive and fun workshop will last 60 minutes in a workshop or webinar format. Participants will learn ways to increase income, reduce expenses, and live without having to rely on credit to make ends meet.

We take a “grab and go” approach – grab an idea or two and go try it. All participants will walk away with ideas, resources and the full curriculum upon request.

Upcoming Webinars

Below you can see when our next Living Well on Retirement Income webinars are taking place.

Please Note: All times below are in Pacific Time

Calendar View by Month

Participants will learn ways to increase income, reduce expenses and live on a retirement income without having to rely on credit to get by.

Related Webinars

Below are some additional webinars that may interest you.

The Truth About Credit online workshop and webinar.

The Truth About Credit

Discover the difference between fact and myth regarding credit reports, credit ratings, and credit scores along with strategies for how to protect or repair credit.

How to manage your food budget better and save money.

Food and Finance

This session is jam-packed with tips and ideas on how to become more organized and savvy about your meal planning, your cooking, and your food shopping.

Ideas for ways to save on household expenses.

75 Ways to Save on Household Expenses

Gather tips on how to save on various household expenses including utilities, transportation, groceries, and personal items.


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