Relationships and Money – Ending the Financial Feud
Check out our free, live, online workshops and learn about money the way you want.
Relationships and Money – Ending the Financial Feud
Online Workshop / Webinar
Relationships can be a source of joy and connection in our lives. They can also be wildly complicated because none of us is exactly the same as the people we’re with. We each bring different strengths and room for growth into our various relationships. This includes strengths and room for growth in our relationships where money and finances are concerned as well.
Does it seem like you and your loved one are constantly arguing about money? Do you each find it hard to even get onto the same page with your finances without it turning into a fight? Remember: Your loved one isn’t trying to make your life financially difficult; they’re just different than you just like you are different from them.
The good news is that the Credit Counselling Society can help by giving you the education you need to support yourself and your loved one to understand each other’s relationship with money and to create an achievable plan on how to reach your collective financial goals. We can give you the hope you need to know that YES: you can do this!
This workshop / webinar will show you how to:
- Identify your money histories, more specifically how money was handled in each of your households growing up
- Identify yours, theirs and each other’s relationship to money
- Set joint goals and understand both why and how the goals meet each
- Decide who has the desire, skill and ability to create and implement a household money management plan (e.g. budgeting, savings, planning for the future, etc.)
- Implement various financial systems to make life easier
of your values and needs
This fun and interactive workshop runs 60 minutes long. We take a “grab and go” approach where all you have to do is grab an idea or two, and then go try it. All participants will be supplied with ideas and resources, and a copy of the presentation upon request.
Upcoming Webinars
Below you can see when our next Relationships and Money – Ending the Financial Feud webinars are taking place.
Please Note: All times below are in Pacific Time
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While you wait, here are some other webinars that are coming up . . .
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