Pay Day Loans Online Help

Escape from the Payday Loan Cycle – Help in Canada

Payday Loan Help in Canada – Are you feeling trapped by your payday loans? Do you feel like you’ve lost control of your pay cheques? Maybe you’re not sure what to do or what your options are.

Stop the stress and anxiety. You can get help now.

How We Help You Break Free from Depending on Payday Loans

People we help across Canada often tell us that they wish they had come to see us sooner!

Let us help you get back on track. We can help you to:

  • Stop the payday loan cycle
  • Create a plan so that you don’t have more month than money
  • Explore options to consolidate Canadian payday loans and debts into one affordable monthly payment to get out of debt
  • Avoid bankruptcy
  • Save thousands in interest

Sometimes it can be really hard to ask for help, but you’ll feel better once you know what your options are. In fact the majority of the people we help tell us that they sleep better at night after speaking with one of our Counsellors.


Assistance is Only a Call Away

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Contact us now by phone, email, or anonymous online chat. Ask us your questions and find out what you need to know about dealing with your debts. We’ll also be happy to make you an appointment so that you can speak confidentially about your situation with one of our friendly, accredited Debt Counsellors.

Options in Canada a Counsellor will Provide You with Information About

There are many ways to deal with debt. Your Credit Counsellor will provide you with information so that you can make an informed decision about what is best for you.

Some ways to deal with your debts include:

The Longer You Wait to Get Help with Your Payday Loans in Canada the Less Solutions You’ll Have Available

Most of the people that we help report that they were stuck in the payday loan cycle for over a year before getting help. Break out of the trap and get on with your life. Contact us now from anywhere in Canada for help at 1-888-527-8999.

Find Out Exactly How We Can Help
by Answering 4 Simple Questions

Not sure where to start in finding help for your specific financial situation? Answer these 4 easy multiple-choice questions to get pointed in the right direction. All you have to do is click the boxes that apply to you and then the green button when you're done.


How We Can Help Self Assessment
1. What is your primary financial concern?
2. Do you currently carry balances on any of the following? (Check all that apply)
3. Which of the following best describes you?
4. What is your household’s primary source of income?